Thank You to Our 2019/20 Donors!

This is the season when we take time to pause, reflect, and give thanks. And here at ACSO we are thankful for our generous funders, sponsors, and donors who have supported us during an extraordinary and turbulent year.

Thank you to all these wonderful individuals and organizations that have donated to and supported ACSO’s mission and programs.* Your generosity has allowed us to do our work to provide leadership and resources to classical music advocates and organizations.

Your support has helped ensure that even in the face of challenge and change, the classical music landscape of California and the western region will continue to be vibrant, healthy, and connected to its diverse communities.

Annual Funders    

California Arts Council
The Ann & Gordon Getty Foundation
Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation
William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture
National Endowment for the Arts

2019/20 Corporate & Foundation Sponsors
Inland Empire Community Foundation
Kathryn R Martin Next Chapter Coaching & Consulting
Livermore-Amador Symphony
The Alan & Susan Seidenfeld Charitable Sponsors
Robert Swaney Consulting, Inc.
2019/20 Individual Donors

Tara Aesquivel Skip Benton Anne Brown
Kate Akos & Harry Jacobs Aubrey & Ryan Bergauer Owen Brown
Robert Albini Bonnie Bernhardt Terry Brown
Julian Amberg Tim Beswick Matthew Buckman
Susan Anderson Lori Bingham Nanci Burg Canby
Tristan Arnold Rita Boehme Linda Burroughs
Eric Astacaan Kate Bourne Corinne Byrd
Evie Ayers Nora Brady Benjamin Cadwallader
Andrew Bales Tod Brady Lynn Callender
Cindy Bandel Deborah Bronstein Luisa Cariaga
Patricia Batchelder Yvonne Brouard Nancy Chalifour
Trischelle Baysden Andrew Brown Chelsea Chambers
Audie Change Hillary Fowler Chrysa Kovach
Angela Chilcott Alan Frank Sara Kozel
McCormick Christopher Steve Friedlander Nuri Kye
Lee Cioppa Michele Fromson Marianne Lacrosse
NancyBell Coe Lloyd Garrison Andrea Laguni
Joshua Cohen David George Dalton Lamberth
Julia Cole Charee Gillins Larry Lang
Laura Cooper Myles Glancy Tom Lang
Dan Cooperman Keith Gleason Pam Lee
Julia Copeland Claire Graham Russ Lemley
Sabrina Cozine Patricia Greenway Deborah Lewis
Jeri Crawford Loribeth Gregory-Beck Michael Ligon
John Cross Janet Grizzell Bruce Lindsey
Thu-Nga Dan Pamela Hahn Sarah Little
Sonia Marie De Leon Cheryl Hammond Nadia Liu
Sunshine Deffner Scott Harrison Richard Lonsdorf
Catherine Dehoney Kathy Hart Kelly Lucera
Lisa Dell Jamei Haswell Cristina Luck
Steven Dember Mieko Hatano Genevieve Macias
John Dickinson Gerard Heise Amber & Sergio Mackay
Elizabeth Dinsel Michael Hicks Theresa Madeira
Pat Dirk Matilda Hofman Rene Mandel
Brian Dix Tabitha Hogue Mark Margolin
Jenny Douglass Michelle Horowitz Virginia Marine
Christina Dragonetti Rei Hotoda Kathryn R. Martin
Jim Drummy Chris House Amanda Marvel
Andrew Dubowski Ralph Hughes Cheryl Marvin
Kathleen Dyer Patrick Hung Mary Maselli
Bob Edmund Lacy Huszcza Alan Mason
Zen Edwards Paul Ideker Margie Masterson
Mary Eichbauer Peter Jaffe Jason May
Dave Eisbach Fred Jakolat Robert McCallum
Ruth Eliel Mary James Terry McCallum
Danny Els-Piercey Nancy Jenkins Marisa McCarthy
Deborah Farmar Beverly Johnson Carol McCormick
Barbara Faulkner Mireya Asturias Jones Deborah McCreath
Corty Fengler Kate Kammeyer Janet McCutcheon
Dave Ferguson Patricia Keast Sharon McFerran
Patricia Fink Ryan Keene Ryan McSweeney
Jordan Firestone Mara Kelly Dan McVay
Caroline Firman John Kennedy Jim Medvitz
Danielle Fisher Bruce Kiesling Mitch Menchaca
Drew Flaherty Susan Kitchen Mi Mercado
Denise Fletcher Christine Kittinger Pauline Merry
Amber Fontaine Evelyn Klatt Christine Metropoulos
John & Michele Forsyte Nancy Kleiber Sue Miller
Elizabeth Forsyth Roger Knacke Donna Marie Minano
Bronson Foster Giuliano Kornberg Connie Miranda
Carlos Mollura  Lee & Shirley Rosen  Edward Sweeney
Parker Monroe Corinne Rydman  Bettina Swigger 
Emma Moon Renee Rymer  Lloyd Tanner 
Michael Morgan Dana Sadava  Dwight Tate 
Keiko Mori Mark Salkind  David Taylor 
Rachel & Alex Morot Mary Anna Salo  Oliver Theil 
Barbara Mortkowitz Philip Salsbury  Isabel Thiroux 
Dave Moss Sara Salsbury  Esther Tiedemann 
Leslie Mosson Alice Sauro  Lora Unger 
Suzanne Mudge Angela Schillace  Adrienne Valencia 
Audrey Mueller Carolyn Seen  Edie Van Huss 
Alex Nelson Doris Segall  Nancy Van Natta 
Caroline Nickel Lynn Seppala  Scott Vandrick & Tony Foster 
Samuel Nordrum Jane Shelly  Robert Vann 
Wayne Norman Susan Shieff  Noemi Vera 
Donna Orozco Cynthia Shilkret  Anne Viricel 
Joyce Osborn John Shirey  Julia Ward 
Grace Owens Alan Silow  Patricia Wassum 
Kristine Pacheco-Bernt Barry Silverman  Brenda Waters 
Nikki Palley Kurt Simon  Briana Watson 
Julia Paras Sharon Simpson  Starr Wayne 
Anthony Parnther Kris Sinclair  Amber Weber 
Valerie Peister Mark Slavkin  Bonnie & David Weber 
Gayle Peterson Marcia Sloane  Sarah Weber 
Suzie Peterson Elena Sloman  Kathy Wertheim 
Judy Podskalan Fred Smith Philip West 
Lyn Pohlmann Stephanie Snyder  Anne Wharton 
Bill Purnhagen Irene Sohm  Becky Whatley 
Jason Pyszkowski Anne-Marie Spataru  Kathryn Whitehouse 
Elizabeth Quivey Vin Spiehler  Eric Whitmer 
David Ramadanoff Natalia Staneva  Karen Willem 
Ron Ramin Paul Steinke  Donna Williams 
Lee Ramsey Judy Steppins  Stephen Wilson 
Maya Rath Monique Stevenson   John Wineglass
Lauren Rausch Janneke Straub  Dorothy Wise 
Joanna Read Shelley Surh  Anson Wong 
Nicola Reilly Lisa Sutton  Timothy Young 
Michael Remson Robert Swaney  Dana Zimbric 
Darcy Rindt Laura Kay Swanson   
Jonathan Rios    


*Gifts and sponsorships made October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020.

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