" /> Enjoy and Learn From These Exciting Virtual Programs

Enjoy and Learn From These Exciting Virtual Programs

During this period of stay-at-home, ACSO's organizational members have been creating inspiring and entertaining content. In just a few months, many creative and unique virtual programs have taken shape. Our members are making sure that classical music is thriving and available for their communities even when live performance is put on pause. ACSO's own Ben Kutner and Anthony Crespo have put together our first Virtual Content Roundup - a showcase of just some of the exciting virtual content created by our members. Watch, learn, and explore these digital offerings - and maybe even get a few ideas for your own virtual programs!

1. Facebook Live Conductor and Artist Interview - Las Vegas Philharmonic & California Symphony
Donato Cabrera, Music Director of the California Symphony and Las Vegas Philharmonic, hosts a weekly Facebook Live series titled “MusicWise – Conversations about Arts & Culture with Donato Cabrera.” He hosts interviews with engaged artists and civic leaders who influence and shape our cultural landscape, discussing their career and background, showcasing their favorite performances and recordings, and asking questions from the Facebook Live audience. Check out this MusicWise episode with violist Gerhard Marschner. 

2. Musicians Play Together Using Acapella - Folsom Lake Symphony
Brass musicians of the Folsom Lake Symphony put together this wonderful recording of Paul Dukas’ Fanfare pour précéder La Péri. With a mobile app like Acapella, musicians can create video recordings that sync with each other to create a cohesive performance like this one.


3. A Virtual Approach to Music Education - Redlands Symphony
The Redlands Symphony took activities from their OrKIDstra concerts and made them available on their website as part of their “RSA at Home” series. Their activities for Carnival of the Animals includes an activity guide, YouTube videos from Looney Tunes, and suggested questions and activities to engage with the music.

4. YouTube Video to Promote New Venue - San Diego Symphony
The San Diego Symphony was slated to open The Shell this summer, its highly anticipated permanent outdoor venue, but has had to delay the official opening until Summer 2021. Despite the postponement, the SDS put together this heartwarming video of artists who were scheduled to perform this year with their words of hope and encouragement.

5. Facebook Live Performance by Music Director - Fresno Philharmonic
Did you know that the Fresno Philharmonic’s music director Rei Hotoda is also an accomplished pianist? Here she is on Facebook performing Schumann with her talented son on cello.

6. Facebook Basson Performance - Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra
As part of the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra’s #MusicianDropFriday, bassoonist Damian Montano put together this gem of a performance on Facebook. Who would have thought that bassoon and music from Super Mario would be such a perfect match?

7. YouTube Flute Demonstration - Peninsula Symphony
Learn about a range of flutes with Peninsula Symphony’s Principal Flautist, Kay Saito. This video is a great blend of education and performance, and it offers a chance to get to know a musician.

8. YouTube Message from Director of Education - Tucson Symphony
This video features the Tucson Symphony’s Director of Education, Alana Richardson, as she talks about the value of TSO's Young People's Concerts that have been cancelled this year. Filmed in an approachable way, this video highlights her personal thoughts about why music is important during times of crisis.

9. Video Introduction to YouTube Playlist - Berkeley Symphony
After the cancellation of its concert, New Perspectives, the Berkeley Symphony created a YouTube playlist of the music that was programmed. In this introduction video, Maestro Joseph Young provides insight into the pieces and composers, and uses his virtual platform to make the music come to life.

10. Mixcord Performance using Acapella - Pittance Chamber Music
Through virtual content, one musician can be in two places at once! Pittance Chamber Orchestra's Rowena Hammill performs both the piano and cello parts for "The Rose and the Widow". This video speaks to the amazing content that can be produced using Acapella.


11. Facebook Teaching Artist Lesson - San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory
San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory hasn’t let stay-at-home stop them from teaching. As part of their Video Lessons with SDYS Teaching Artists, Ruben Hernandez leads a wonderful percussion lesson in this Facebook video.

12. YouTube Introduction to Watch Party - Orchestra Santa Monica
Roger Kalia, Music Director of Orchestra Santa Monica, connects with his virtual audiences in this introduction video to his watch-party for Dvorak’s Cello Concerto. This video provides a chance to educate Orchestra Santa Monica audiences and to connect with them before watching together.


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