NEA Announces $195,000 in Grants to 5 ACSO Members

For its first major grant announcement of fiscal year 2022, the National Endowment for the Arts recommended more than $33 million in project funding to arts organizations nationwide. Five ACSO members have been selected for these grants, totaling $195,000 in funding (see below). For the full announcement from the NEA, please click here.

“These National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) grants underscore the resilience of our nation’s artists and arts organizations, will support efforts to provide access to the arts, and rebuild the creative economy,” said NEA Acting Chair Ann Eilers. “The supported projects demonstrate how the arts are a source of strength and well-being for communities and individuals, and can open doors to conversations that address complex issues of our time.”

Sarah Weber, Executive Director of ACSO, said, "We offer congratulations to our five orchestra members that received project grants from the NEA. We are grateful to the NEA for continuing to support the classical music sector. NEA funding makes it possible for orchestras to create innovative programs, commission new music, connect more deeply with their communities, and further their impact."

Grants for Arts Projects - Music

  • American Youth Symphony: $10,000
  • California Symphony Orchestra: $15,000
  • Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra: $20,000
  • Los Angeles Philharmonic Association: $75,000
  • San Francisco Symphony: $75,000

The FY22 deadlines for NEA Grants for Arts Projects are:

  • First Grants - Part 1 - February 8, 2022, & Part 2 - February 15 - 22 2022
  • Second Grants - Part 1 - July 7, 2022, & Part 2 - July 12 - 19, 2022. 

Application information can be found here.

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