NEA Announces $175,000 in Funding to 6 ACSO Members

On January 14, 2025, The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) announced the first round of recommended awards for fiscal year 2025, with nearly $36.8 million in funding to support the arts nationwide. This is the first of the NEA’s two major grant announcements each fiscal year. These grants fall under three NEA funding categories: Grants for Arts Projects, Our Town, and State and Regional PartnershipsSix ACSO members have been selected to receive grants totaling $175,000 in funding (see list below). For the full announcement from the NEA, please click here.

NEA Chair Maria Rosario Jackson, PhD said, “The NEA is proud to continue our nearly 60 years of supporting the efforts of organizations and artists that help to shape our country’s vibrant arts sector and communities of all types across our nation. It is inspiring to see the wide range of creative projects taking place—those that address our past and help us consider our future, integrate arts and culture in new ways into our lives and communities, and provide powerful opportunities for people throughout our nation to come together through a shared arts experience.

Grants for Arts Projects - Music

  • Bach Collegium San Diego - $25,000
    Purpose: To support the recording, post-production, and distribution of a recording of Handel's El Mesias (Messiah), using a Spanish translation of the libretto, as part of America250.

  • California Symphony - $20,000
    Purpose:  To support the Young American Composer-in-Residence program. 

  • Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra - $25,000
    Purpose: To support a residency with pianist Lara Downes. 

  • Los Angeles Philharmonic Association - $65,000
    Purpose: To support artist fees for the world premiere performances of composer Carlos Simon's Gospel Mass.

  • San Francisco Symphony - $30,000
    Purpose: To support an orchestral performance project.

Challenge America

  • Santa Monica Symphony - $10,000
    Purpose: To support a concert celebrating Martin Luther King Jr. Day in collaboration with the Inner City Youth Orchestra (ICYOLA) of Los Angeles


This year’s Grants for Arts Projects application deadlines are Thursday, February 13, 2025, and Thursday, July 10, 2025. Each discipline has outlined their broader arts ecosystem, the types of projects they encourage, and guidance on characteristics of competitive proposals. Visit for guidelines and application resources, including an on demand video of the FY 2026 Grants for Arts Projects guidelines webinar.

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